It's no secret that we invest the bulk of our time on making a
living. Which is completely understandable.
As the old saying goes,"If a man doesn't work, he doesn't eat". However, at some point, we must stop and ask ourselves "can we really keep being productive if we don't take care of the body that allows us to perform the work............
Oftentimes we neglect our own health in an effort to keep our bills payed. When working long hours; its easy to convince ourselves that "exercising is "too time consuming"; or that "it's too hard". Yet, the truth of the matter is that exercising doesn't require much time and it actually gets easier the more you do it. A small investment of 3-6 hours per week is all it takes to reap the health benefits.
It's important for us to keep in mind that we only get ONE body.....If it breaks, we don't get another. Regardless of how much money we make or wealth we create; we cannot buy another body. Good health is a blessing and cannot be purchased the same way we buy cars, houses and clothes. We have to invest our time............Now I may not be the "smartest investor", but exercise is THE only personal investment that I know of where one can invest small amounts (3-6 hrs) and reap MAJOR benefits. And by investing in our health, we indirectly become more effective/productive at everything we do.