Sunday, October 27, 2013

Which exercises are more beneficial?

A balanced workout routine, should always include a cardio aspect as well as a weight training aspect. Not just one or the other.

Cardio is necessary to:
  • strengthen and improve the cardio respiratory system (heart, lungs, arteries, viens, and capillaries).
  • reduce body fat%
  • and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases

Weight training is necessary
  • for muscles to grow stronger and more resistant to fatigue
  • increase lean muscle and reduce body fat percentage
  • as well as increase metabolism (the amount of calories your body uses throughout the day)
Both weight training and cardio are necessary. However there are some cardio and weight training methods that produce more results over others. When you're pressed for time, always select the exercises below.

Best Cardio Exercises                                                                        Best Weight training Exercises
Elliptical                                                                                                 Bench press

swimming                                                                                               Squat
Treadmill Intervals  (30sec-1min)                                                        Dead lift

****With all things being equal (time, intensity) these exercises have been shown to burn more calories and work more muscles than similar exercise methods.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Avoid Winter Weight Gain!

According to research the average person will gain anywhere from 5-7 pounds during the winter months. These extra pounds are mostly caused by eating  a little more (especially during holiday months) and slowing down on  physical activity simply because its too cold.

This winter,  I encourage anyone that's striving for better health/fitness to do the complete opposite of what you been doing every other year.......

DO NOT  stop exercising simply because its too cold. Go to the gym or If you cant make it to the gym, purchase some step boxes or find an area in your home and jog in place. Something is better than nothing.

DO NOT spend all your time with individuals that aren't concerned with their own health/fitness....unless you are trying to get them into shape. As the old saying goes, "He who walks with the wise, becomes wise". And we will become like the people we are around the most.

DO NOT and I repeat......."DO NOT" eat like a madman/woman  and then make a New Years resolution!!! Research shows that by the end of January, a third of the individuals that have made "diet resolution" will have broken their resolutions, and by July more than half will have lapsed.
Eating healthy and exercising is a LIFESTYLE..........and to be honest the "work" is never complete, no matter what goal is accomplished!!