Sunday, August 11, 2013

What to look for when starting a diet

In my short time on this earth,  I've noticed that two of THE HARDEST things to do is to control what comes out of our mouths (the things we say) and what goes into our mouths (the things we eat). For now I  want to focus on what goes into our mouths.

It takes a lot of self control to make healthy eating choices on a regular basis. And when people ask me what should they eat, I am quick to say "eat according to the goals that you're trying to reach"..
Below are a three examples of what to eat in relation to the goal:

1. Goal (weight loss)- Studies show that when trying to lose weight its best to cut back on foods that contain a large amount of refined or simple carbohydrates. Flour, sugar, rice, white bread, potatoes, are  some of the main culprits that are keeping individuals from losing weight. Also, increasing the amount of protein is beneficial for keeping one satisfied.

2. Goal (weight gain)- trying to gain weight is almost the opposite of weight loss. A moderate increase in starchy carbohydrates like rice, potatoes, and flour has shown to help with weight gain.

3. Goal (increasing risk of diabetes and heart attack)- when trying to increase the risk of developing diabetes and/or heart attack, studies show that consuming large amounts of sugar, sodium, and saturated/trans fats will definitely do the trick. Lots of sodas,candy and 95% of fast foods help increase ones risk of diabetes and heart attack.

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