Thursday, March 14, 2013

Proven Exercise Tips- Part 2

Consistency Tips (6-10)

6. Stay consistent by listening to music while exercising. A study conducted by The College of Charleston showed that exercisers could complete an additional 10 reps of an exercise while listening to their favorite music.

7. Stay consistent by praying about your health. Our bodies are so intricately designed and wonderfully made that it's impossible to deny the fact that we were created by The Creator. With that being said; be sure to ask God for the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding that you need to accomplish your fitness goals.

8.  Stay consistent by sharing your health and fitness  plans with somebody close to you. This will force you to be accountable to someone. It could be a friend , family member, or your spouse.

9. Stay consistent by working out with a partner. If it's hard for you to exercise on a regular basis; finding an exercise partner who's motivated and disciplined can be one of the best ways to stay consistent and reach your goals. *Just be sure to choose a partner that has the same "outlook" about fitness as you do. If you're exercising for general fitness, it would be pointless to choose a workout partner that's a competitive body builder!

10. Stay consistent by changing up your routines. After you've been exercising for a while things can get a little stale. Adding variety to your routines will help you avoid and overcome exercise plateaus.

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