Any time someone initially starts to exercise after being sedentary for a long time; the body is guaranteed to resist. Muscles/joints will sometimes ache and sometimes results may not come as quickly as imagined. These issues or "stumbling blocks" can cause an individual to reach the point where they say...."I CANT DO THIS"!!!
Every time I hear someone say "I CANT DO THIS", I have to question whether or not the individual "CANT" or they simply "WONT"........I think it's important to know the difference between the two.
I know individuals that really CANT exercise due to handicaps and various other physical aliments. Take for instance my good friend "Adam". This man is over 600 lbs and has no cartilage in his knees. At times his legs will bruise from simply standing up. Technically, Adam "CANT" exercise. However, Adam is a fighter and he continues to DO whatever his body will allow him to do.... And I admire him for that.......
I write this post not to criticize anyone.Yet, it is my hope that individuals will start to honestly ask themselves whether or not they "CANT" do something.....or you simply "WONT" do what needs to be done in order for you to reach your goals. A lot of times we give up too easy when something is difficult......(like exercise and eating healthy). However, anything worth having is worth fighting for.........Fight for your health! It only gets easier with time........
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