Sodas and/or sweetened drinks- sodas and most sweetened drinks have NO nutritional value whatsoever. Even most fruit juices that claim to have nutrients contain too much sugar. Its a whole lot easier and quicker to lose weight and keep it off by simply cutting soda, juices, and sweetened drinks.
Pasta- Pasta is made from flour and has many of the same affects as bread.
Potatoes- Potatoes have a major impact on the waist line. But when they are fried and/or smothered in gravy, they also contribute to clogging the arteries.
Rice- Rice (especially white) will keep ones mid section round. The problem with rice (and most starches) is that no one eats a single serving (half cup)!!! And on top of that, we usually eat our rice fried or smothered in gravy.
**** Eating the above foods in moderation, or avoiding them altogether will help with weight loss.
Yet many people are struggling with weight loss because they don't eat enough. "Not eating and/or an extremely low calorie intake (1,200 or less) will cause the body to go into starvation mode. The body will store more fat when you don't eat enough.
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