Sunday, September 29, 2013

5 questions to ask yourself ......if your not getting results.

If  you're trying to lose weight, gain weight, or maintain your current weight
And you arent getting the results that you want from your exercise routines; you need to ask yourself the following questions:

How's my eating habits? What we eat makes up about 70-80% of the results we get. It's critical to monitor: how many times a day we eat (5 small meals is better), never skip meals (especially breakfast), never eat right before bed (oh no!), never eat to get full(eat to get satisfied). These factors make it impossible to get the maximum benefit from exercise.

How many days a week and how intense do I exercise? It takes at least 3 days of "moderate physical activity" to get the "external" benefits from exercise.**"Moderate physical activity"-is when you actually work out intensely enough to "break a sweat" without doing too much.

What type of body do I have? Knowing and accepting the "type of body" you have will save you time, effort, and help you reach your goals a lot faster.
  • Ectomorphs- naturally skinny/slim (High metabolism, hard for this person to gain weight)
  • Mesomorphs- naturally muscular/thick build (this person looks muscular without exercise)
  • Endomorphs- heavyset, thick waist, big bones.(Slow metabolism, Hard for this person to lose weight.
Full-size image (17 K)

Are you getting the proper amount of rest?  When you exercise on a consistent basis, it's mandatory that you take at least one or two days to rest each week. Resting allows your body to grow and rebuild from  the stress of exercise. It's not wise to work out 7 days a week.......even if you're a professional athlete!!

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