Sunday, March 10, 2013

Proven Exercise Tips- Part 1

As a fitness professional; I'm constantly searching for proven training methods that produce results, and more importantly keep individuals eating healthy and exercising consistently. A lot of times during my research, I come across many fad diet/exercise schemes that  promise to "get people healthy quick". Sorry to say that 99% of the gimmicky, "get______ in ______weeks"  never work. Even if they do produce results in the short term; fad  plans aren't sustainable for the long-term.

Starting with this post, I'm compiling a list of proven eating and exercise tips (which I call consistency tips because  nothing is more important)  that myself and many others have used to help us prosper with our eating and exercise plans. Incorporate as many of these tips into your exercise routines as you can.

Consistency Tips (1-5)

1. Stay consistent by doing exercises and eating healthy foods that you enjoy. In life, if you don't enjoy something, chances are you wont do it on a regular basis. This principle is the same with healthy eating and exercise.
2. Stay consistent by setting small goals. An example of a small goal could be: not eating bread for 2 weeks. Or increasing your walk time by 10 minutes each session.
3. Stay consistent by writing your goals down. Writing about your goals forces you to be clear about what you actually want.
4.Stay consistent by rewarding yourself when you accomplish a goal. You can treat yourself to a nice massage, or a dinner at your favorite restaurant.

5. Stay consistent by exercising for shorter periods of time. According to a study by YMCA, subjects were two times more likely to stick to an exercise program when they performed shorter workouts (30 min or less) compared with longer sessions.

More tips coming soon ....................................
**If you have a proven exercise tip that has helped you stay consistent, feel free to leave a comment and I will add it to the list.

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