Sunday, June 30, 2013

5 Fat Loss Facts!

 If your trying to lose fat the "smart way" ALWAYS REMEMBER:

1. Fat loss will require you to eat healthy and exercise (cardio and resistance training). **What you eat will play the BIGGEST part of you reaching your goals. The "eating part" will make up about 70-80% of your gains/losses.The exercise part about 20-30%.

2 .There are 3,500 calories in one pound. In order to lose a pound its necessary to eat less calories or burn more calories by exercising. **It's a whole lot easier to eat less than it is to exercise more.  
Keep in mind that NOT eating will cause your body to store fat instead of release it. 

3. It's impossible to lose fat from one area of your body (spot reducing). Weight/fat loss will come from  all over the body. There's no such thing as losing weight only from the stomach,back, or thighs. **One can never determine where the fat will come from..... until you began to exercise and eat healthy.

4. Performing cardio at an intensity level that's 60-70% of your Max heart rate will increase your chances of burning fat.
To calculate your Max Heart rate:  220-age = Max Heart Rate x 60-85% = Target Heart Rate.
**Target Heart Rate is low/moderate intensity, so quite naturally, these type of cardio sessions take longer (30-45 min). Monitor your heart rate by using a the sensors on a treadmill, elliptical, or stair-master. Or buy a watch that measures your heart rate.

5. It takes at least 15 minutes of cardio for your body to start utilizing fat for energy instead of      carbohydrates.*In other words, performing cardio for 10-15 minutes isn't enough time to start burning fat.

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