In order for one exercise smarter, one must eat smarter. Reading and understanding food labels plays a major role in making
smarter eating choices. It only takes one or two minutes to read a label, yet it pays off big time for overall health and fitness and even more so when you're trying to reach specific goal. Below is a food label from a bag of chips (
terrible food choice). Keep these
10 key points in mind when trying to decipher the information on a labels.
- Serving Size- always keep mind how many servings are in the container. In the example here; one serving = 9 chips!!
- Servings per Container- this is how many portions are in the entire bag. 11 portions in this one bag of chips.
- Calories- amount of calories for each portion. Each serving (9 chips) has 150 calories. So that means if one ate this entire bag of chips that would be 1650 calories!!!!
- Total Fat- amount of fat and what type of fat each serving contains (9 chips =2 grams saturated fat). Always remember saturated fat kills!! Unsaturated fats are better, yet still should be consumed in moderation.
- Cholesterol- too much leads to clogged the arteries.
- Sodium- The average persons salt intake should be no more than 2,400 mg per day. *Most processed foods and drinks don't taste salty, yet the contain tons of sodium.
- Total Carbohydrate- the amount and types of carbs (sugar/fiber) each serving contains. Food high in sugar based carbs contribute to larger waistlines. While foods high in fiber based carbs assist with weight loss and maintenance.
- Protein- protein helps rebuild muscles and leave you feeling satisfied longer.
- Nutrient/Daily Value section- the amount of essential nutrients (vitamins A,C,calcium,iron) the product contains as well as how the food item fits into an average 2,000-2,500 calorie per day diet.
- Ingredients- food manufacturers list ingredients on labels in order from greatest to least. The first ingredient is the most prevalent or dominant. *If you're trying to shed pounds, and you notice that a food label lists sugar as the first ingredient; be aware.......
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