Sunday, April 14, 2013

What makes a good fitness plan- Part 4

While resting doesn't involve much movement; this fitness component plays the biggest factor in your ability to perform your best during exercise as well as everything else you do throughout the day. This component can be separated into two categories: nightly rest and rest from exercise.

Core fitness components

1.Cardiorespiratory training
2. Muscular strength training
3. Stretching/flexibility 
4. Rest.

Nightly Rest (sleep)- most healthy adults need between 7-9 hours of sleep each night to function optimally. Yet, according to The National Institute of health; "the average adult sleeps lesss than 7 hours per night".

If you get 7-9 hours a night; good for you. But if youre one of the "average adults" who sleep less than 7 hours; BE CAREFUL!  Even though it may seem as if you're getting by; in the long run you may be headed for trouble. Side affects from chronic lack of sleep include: frequent colds, fatigue, forgetfulness, and increased appetite for fats and carbs (junk food)!!!

Rest from exercise- many people are under the impression that "exercise alone" is responsible for strength gains and improving overall fitness. In actuality, exercise is only part of the fitness process. Exercise puts the stress on the body and causes muscles to tear and break down. Yet, it is the rest from exercise that enables your body to rebuild and become stronger.

Over the years I've trained and met many individuals (I'm guilty too!) who felt it was necessary to train everyday .Training everyday "may" be possible for a a short period, however, its impossible to maintain this level of activity year in year out. Exercising for prolonged periods without taking rest days will eventually lead to burning out and/or overtraining.

Consistently getting the proper rest each night and taking days to rest from exercise will:
  • help your body and mind recover from the stress of day to day activities
  • increase productivity and mental sharpness
  • help regulate the hormones (ghrelin and leptin) that affect and control your appetite.
  • and reduce your risk of burning out or overtrainig.

Follow these tips to ensure that you get the proper nightly rest and rest from exercise:
  • Go to bed at the same time each night
  • Do not exercise within 1-2 hours before going to bed
  • Do not consume large meals, large amounts of caffeine, or alcohol 2-3 hours before bed
  • Take at least 1-2 days off each week to completely rest from exercise

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