Sunday, September 29, 2013

5 questions to ask yourself ......if your not getting results.

If  you're trying to lose weight, gain weight, or maintain your current weight
And you arent getting the results that you want from your exercise routines; you need to ask yourself the following questions:

How's my eating habits? What we eat makes up about 70-80% of the results we get. It's critical to monitor: how many times a day we eat (5 small meals is better), never skip meals (especially breakfast), never eat right before bed (oh no!), never eat to get full(eat to get satisfied). These factors make it impossible to get the maximum benefit from exercise.

How many days a week and how intense do I exercise? It takes at least 3 days of "moderate physical activity" to get the "external" benefits from exercise.**"Moderate physical activity"-is when you actually work out intensely enough to "break a sweat" without doing too much.

What type of body do I have? Knowing and accepting the "type of body" you have will save you time, effort, and help you reach your goals a lot faster.
  • Ectomorphs- naturally skinny/slim (High metabolism, hard for this person to gain weight)
  • Mesomorphs- naturally muscular/thick build (this person looks muscular without exercise)
  • Endomorphs- heavyset, thick waist, big bones.(Slow metabolism, Hard for this person to lose weight.
Full-size image (17 K)

Are you getting the proper amount of rest?  When you exercise on a consistent basis, it's mandatory that you take at least one or two days to rest each week. Resting allows your body to grow and rebuild from  the stress of exercise. It's not wise to work out 7 days a week.......even if you're a professional athlete!!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

AAA (Anybody, Anytime, Anywhere) Circuit workout

When you live a "LIFESTYLE OF FITNESS" sometimes you may have to workout ANYTIME or ANYWHERE........Which is why I constantly create circuit routines that I can do WHEREVER I'm at.

**Circuit Routines (a series of exercises performed back to back) can be performed at the gym as well. Circuits (with or without weights) are great for toning/tightening muscles and burning some fat too.  A good circuit routine will also help overcome a weight loss plateau.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

5 foods that make you fat!!

There are too many foods that taste good.....Which makes it hard to control what we eat..... Which also makes it hard to get rid of a pouch, beer belly, muffin top, back fat,  bat wings, or anything else you're trying to get rid of...........At the end of the day some foods just aren't in our best interest to eat all the time.  Below are some of the foods that we eat too much of week in and week out: 

 Flour aka Bread -  Flour or bread comes in many different forms such as cake, cereals, cookies, donuts, tortilla shells, pastries, and pasta. Flour (especially white) has a ton of carbohydrates that our bodies quickly break down into sugar, which is eventually stored as fat. Many try to substitute wheat flour and or wheat based products in the place of white flour.  Although products that contain wheat flour are a little better because they contain fiber, wheat flour still should be consumed in moderation.

Sodas and/or sweetened drinks- sodas and most sweetened drinks  have NO nutritional value whatsoever. Even most fruit juices that claim to have nutrients contain too much sugar.  Its a whole lot easier and quicker to lose weight and keep it off  by simply cutting  soda, juices, and sweetened drinks.

Pasta- Pasta is made from flour and has many of the same affects as bread.

Potatoes- Potatoes have a major impact on the waist line. But when they are fried and/or smothered in gravy, they also contribute to clogging the arteries.

Rice- Rice (especially white) will keep ones mid section round.  The problem with rice (and most starches) is that no one eats a single serving (half cup)!!! And on top of that, we usually eat our rice fried or smothered in gravy. 

    **** Eating the above foods in moderation, or avoiding them altogether will help with weight loss.
    Yet many people are struggling with weight loss because they don't eat enough. "Not eating and/or an extremely low calorie intake (1,200 or less) will cause the body to go into starvation mode. The body will store more fat when you don't eat enough.