Thursday, February 21, 2013

How important is good eating habits?

No matter how long or hard you exercise, if you have bad eating habits, you will NEVER reach your peak fitness levels..........

 When you take into account everything needed to maintain physical well being (eating healthy, consistent exercise and rest), what you eat makes up 70-80% of the equation.
With that being said it's imperative that each of us find a healthy meal plan that we can stick to.

I know for sure that there are many opinions on what constitutes as "eating healthy". Some take the extreme self denial approach (no sugar, no starch, no fat, no-no-no). While others "think" healthy eating is a salad with tons of cheese and ranch dressing. In reality both of these eating styles are
short-sighted. The first will make you crazy and the latter is sure to keep excess pounds around your mid-section. From my experience, I believe that a healthy eating plan should be practical first and foremost. A practical meal plan, is one that is equally beneficial for the  mind and body.

When one sets out to create a practical meal plan; it must be based on individual preference; while at the same time following some basic guidelines. Use the simple formula below to map out you meals:

At least 6 days a week, each of your meals should be structured in this order- lean/low fat protein, high fiber carbs, and healthy fats.*Use starchy carbs (white rice, white bread, potatoes, pasta) and simple sugars (candies cakes, etc) sparingly.

Sounds simple enough. Right????

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